Thursday, August 11, 2011

save electricity practically

1. Don't put your Computer on "Stand by" mode. Either use it or put it OFF.

2. When you need to go away for some minutes, closing Monitor screen saves lots of electricity.

3. White color screes consumes more energy than black screen. Try to use Dark color (Not only Black) background for you desktop.

4. Avoid setting screen saver for you Computer. It consumes more electricity.

5. Use LCD or LED type monitor for your computer or TV, it saves 75% of power and harms less on your eye.

6. Use switch instead of remote to turn off your TV.

1. Instead of using hot water. Use warm (or cool) water.

2. Don't use washing machine only for 3-4 cloths. It is purely waste of electricity as well as water. Use it only when you have sufficient amount of cloths to wash.

1. Don’t set the thermostat of your refrigerator too high. changing the temperature even one degree can affect your electricity bill.

2. Don't place refrigerator in a sunny spot. Move it or cover the windows.

3. Decide what you need from the fridge before opening it so that you can save electricity and avoid standing with the door open while you search for food. Opening refrigerator once wastes 30% cold generated from it.

4. Don't put too hot things in refrigerator. Give it a little time to be normal.

Mobile/ Laptop

1. Don't charge mobile whole the night. Make a habit of charging it regularly at particular time. e.g. While you go for morning walk, bathing, taking lunch or dinner, etc

2. Charge your laptop only when it shows 15% battery remained. Charge it fully. This will increase battery and charger life and you will be free from frequent charging.

1. Switch off lights, fans and other gadgets when not required.

2. Area in front of air conditioning vents should be free. Don’t put furniture and other stuff in front of it.

3. Put off the AC half (or switch it off) an hour before you leave the room.

4. Ensure that the room is packed before starting air conditioning. (Close doors and windows)

5. Using fluorescent light bulbs is always beneficial as they use 75% less energy than ordinary incandescent bulbs.

6. Clean the tubes and perform oiling of fans. This can save some power also it increases your appliances life and safety.

7. If height of roof is too high then increase length of connecting rod. Dot put it too down. Be sure that it will not harm anybody.

So, you see it is not difficult at all to get that electric power going that extra mile if only we make a habit of few simple rules in our everyday life.

     "Teach others to save electric power from your example. Don’t do it for money. Do it for this lovely environment. For sparrows, birds and wildlife. For your loved one’s."

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