On 19th and 20th April, 2012, one of our group mate Pratik attended A state Leve Student Conference at Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Technological University, Lonere, Raigad, Maharashtra. The conference named “Techno-trend-2012” covers the advance themes related to Renewable Energy Technologies; Power electronics, Automation & control ; Power quality &Power Issues.It was organized by Department of Electrical Engineering, & EESA Dr. BATU. In the conference, he presented a paper on "High Voltage Direct Current Power Transmission" i.e. "HVDC Power Transmission". So, this is the reason behind sharing this post with you all. We are going to tell you few tips regarding paper presentation. These are very simple and you can use them as checklist.
1. Follow given rules and regulations for the presentation e.g. Paper pattern, submitting date, etc. In case you come across any problem, feel free to contact organizers.
2. You should mainly focus on time management.
3. Try to obtain best paper format provided in rules. e.g. IEEE format, etc Because your paper reflects your hard work and sincerity.
4. Maximum 6-7 pages are appreciated.
5. Do not at all repeat points.
6. It is not mandatory to include all points in paper into presentation. So that you get more time to explain important point and can attract audience attention.
7. Feel yourself confident. You should know what to speak and how to speak. For this, try to study the paper at least 3 times.
8. Wear formal costume during presentation.
All the best for presentation from all Cool AMPSS...